Bye Bye GI!

On May 8, 2009 Einstein and I brought Mr. Mean to his very first appointment with his GI doctor. He was 8 weeks old. Upon entering the room the doctor looked at me and jokingly said "are you sure this is your baby?" He could hear his screams all the way down the hall and was a little startled that this Mama couldn't comfort her child. Mr. Mean was so off of his rocker during those first visits that the doctor actually thought there was something neurologically wrong. Thankfully there was not.

Yesterday, 9 months and numerous appointments later, we went back to see the doctor for what would be his last visit. I was excited to tell him that "I have a different baby!" Different, in that he doesn't puke or cry from pain in his belly any more. (I was sure to tell him he's still mean ALL the time though and that he could certainly use an attitude adjustment! His response......"so could I.")

Before we left his exam room he told me that Mr. Mean was by far the fussiest baby he's ever had as a patient. And he shook my hand and told me to call him if I have ANY questions down the road.

Internet, I felt a sense of accomplishment yesterday. I felt like "we did it." And I know it sounds so trivial and ridiculous.........I mean c'mon, his little belly issues were so minor, right? There are greater battles out there that people are fighting, believe me, I know! But it felt good to leave there yesterday with a perfectly plump mean little meatball and not have to make another appointment :)

Mr. Mean, despite all the screaming, puking, lack of sleep and laundry you put me through...............I LOVE YOU!
(And don't they say that tough babies usually turn out to be good kids? And if that's not the saying, shut up! Let me at least think it is!)

Amy  – (February 20, 2010 at 8:07 PM)  

Mean -- yes, but ever so cute!!! I am glad he's better and as for the meaness -- a little mean isn't a bad thing!

Robyn  – (February 20, 2010 at 8:32 PM)  

I'm glad things are working out!

Anonymous –   – (February 20, 2010 at 9:24 PM)  

WOOHOO! What an awesome accomplishment!

Anonymous –   – (February 22, 2010 at 11:33 AM)  

Mary, you are such an amazing Mom! :)

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