Fresh Air

Internet, I think Einstein found his future auto crossing buddy.
You see these pictures..............these pictures capture the only time Mr. Mean was quiet the entire weekend! And that is not an exaggeration! (Okay, so maybe he was quiet while he had a bottle in his mouth and mabye he was quiet when he had complete undivided attention from his Grandparents!)

I was about to run away this weekend because this baby was making me loony! To the point I thought maybe he had an ear infection. Although I ruled that out because he was sleeping just fine. If I'm in his sight, he wants me on the floor with him. Then if I get on the floor with him, he wants to stand. The thing is, he's not strong enough or coordinated enough to stand yet. So we do it for a little while and then I sit him down. And then it starts. The continuous vicious cycle of him verbally abusing me! I tell him "Baby David, stop yelling at me!"

Saturday afternoon I was getting NOTHING accomplished so I finally said to Einstein "Take this baby out of here!" I did. I really told him that. And you know what, he did what I said. He took him outside and he plopped that little meatball roundness into the coupe and guess what..........SILENCE.

Mr. Mean liked it. And I breathed a sigh of relief.

So on Sunday, when I started getting verbally abused by my almost eight month old again, I looked at Einstein and said "Go put him in the car!" And he did. And again we had SILENCE.

So you know what I'm doing this weekend Internet? I'm cleaning that bad boy off and it's coming inside!

Denise  – (November 3, 2009 at 11:35 AM)  

funny! good idea bring that sucker inside....

Unknown  – (November 3, 2009 at 1:12 PM)  

Isn't silence just the most precious thing after having children? :) It's the one thing (with sleep) that I didn't truly appreciate pre-children.

Robyn  – (November 3, 2009 at 8:36 PM)  

It would already be in the living room at my house.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings  – (November 4, 2009 at 10:09 PM)  

Head out on the highway. Looking for adventure. Oh yeah! I'm going his way. :-) Those cheeks beg to be squeezed!

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