We need helmets here!

Internet, I hope that maybe we have a future NFL quarterback or MLB pitcher on our hands.

Because Mr. Mean........he can throw.

And not just toss. He full on guns things!

And not just when he's being Warren looking for a ball. The TV remotes and the telephone get thrown too. And more often than not, Einstein and I are ducking for cover!

Even Norman has caught on. Just this morning Einstein watched Mr. Mean toss a waffle piece from his highchair to the floor. Norman swooped in, grabbed the piece of waffle and ducked under the dining room table. Why? Because Mr. Mean has started to throw his sippy cup at him. Not good!

We are currently accepting contract offers or helmets.

Here he is this morning sitting at the big kid table having his morning snack.His teacher said he said "nack" for the first time today.

Jen  – (July 28, 2010 at 5:49 PM)  

They really should hand out protective gear at the doctor's office when they tell you you are having a boy, don't you think?

Robyn  – (August 2, 2010 at 8:23 PM)  

I will take counter climbing over throwing things any day.

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