He might be cute........

but he's not cute after midnight!!

I just don't know what to do with the T-man these days. The boy will not sleep in his own bed after waking up in the middle of the night!! He goes down at bed time just fine now. It's midnight and on that's the killer. He cried for over 2 hours in his crib last night. The second I would pick him up, he'd stop, put his head down, and go to sleep. So back in the crib he'd go..........and boom! Crying! I did everything I could possibly think of last night. Everything. I refuse to bring him in my bed. I put my foot down on that last night and so T and I pulled an all nighter in the tv room. We did orajel. We did tylenol. We did rocking. We did singing. We did walking around. We did crying it out for 2 hours. We did me sitting on his floor for 45 minutes while watching him scream. Is it me?

I'm pleading for suggestions here people. Is this just a stage? How do I fix it?

I'm not looking for sympathy but I just can not fuction during the day at work on no sleep. I've been doing it for weeks and it is finally catching up to me.

Any thoughts?

update...Thanks for your comments and support people! I think we're going to try to break this habit on a weekend. We're just too tired to deal with it during the week. Also, I think he's cutting about a gazillion teeth at once! Thanks blog friends :)

girlymom  – (November 28, 2007 at 10:04 AM)  

When my third daughter was a little over one, she was teething so bad. She was normally a great sleeper, so when she started waking at night I didn't know what to do with her. Ended up we would give her some tylenol for the pain, rock and sing and she wanted a cup of water, so we started giving her water at night. It took awhile, but she eventually got her teeth and started sleeping again. Now she's a sleeping champ, she can out sleep any one of us. Hang in there, it will pass. Best of luck.

Anonymous –   – (November 28, 2007 at 10:11 AM)  

I wish I had an answer for you, but this is a battle we gave up on long ago! Cooper co-slept as a baby and then started sleeping in his crib in his room. Right around a year he started waking in the middle of the night and refusing to go back to sleep in his crib, even though he was clearly exhausted. At 2.5, he starts the night in his own bed in his room every night, but migrates into our bed sometime after midnight (sometimes 12:00 on the nose, sometimes 5:30). Crying-it-out never worked for us, and just got him more amped-up and upset.

I have heard of parents bringing the kids into their room to sleep, but not their bed - ie., a sleeping bag on the floor. I am not sure how that would work with someone as young as Thomas though. I hope you find a solution soon! I can't function at home with no sleep - I couldn't imagine having a job and being exhausted!

Kellan  – (November 28, 2007 at 12:33 PM)  

You could also try putting him down a little later than usual, see if you can just tire him out more. Good luck - I know it's hard. Kellan

Leslie Collins  – (November 28, 2007 at 8:08 PM)  

Reyna does that when she is teething. It's usually not as lengthy, but maybe he is in pain. I just try and remember that we are their comfort zone. Good luck. I am sure it will pass. I don't really have any other advice for you. Do you have a bed time routine? If not, maybe you could start one. Good luck.

Maria  – (November 28, 2007 at 11:04 PM)  

I vote for it's just a stage and will pass. There's got to be some reason, such as teething, but isn't teething a stage that will just pass?

AliBlahBlah  – (November 29, 2007 at 6:12 PM)  

I'm definitely not one to give advice as our 2 yr old still crawls in to bed with us sometime after midnight. It's a hard habit for us to kick though as she sleeps so well in our bed - and for the most part so do we. I will say that if this is not something you want to do then you need to be firm, otherwise they'll keep wanting to sleep with Mum and Dad.

We're planning on kicking her out of our bed before she turns 18. Honest.

Michelle Leigh  – (November 30, 2007 at 8:55 AM)  

Gosh, I wish I could help. My 2 year old is an excellent sleeper. My 10 month old, not so much. I think it's easier to deal with when they are younger. All I can say is we've tried everything too, and now she's sleeping well, again. I'm convinced it's phases and no matter how much we do, they'll do what they want! Good luck this weekend! Hopefully you'll get to sleep a little!

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